EXPO 2017. Donington Park, Thursday 16th February 9am - 3pm

Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership: Skills for the Future Study

Skills are vital for economic growth. Without the provision of suitably skilled people, businesses cannot prosper and grow in an increasingly competitive global market place.

In order to understand the future skills needs of Leicester and Leicestershire, the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership has commissioned York Consulting to undertake a detailed skills needs analysis of the city and county through to the year 2022 and beyond.

A key component of this study will be to understand the views of employers on how and where improvements can be made to the current skills supply system.

As a local stakeholder, we want to hear your views and would like to invite you to attend the following meeting that has been specifically organised by York Consulting for businesses working in the Creative Industries and Business and Financial Services sectors:

Time: 10:00am to 12:30pm

Date: Monday 6 June 2016

Venue: Leicester Town Hall (Room 1.12)
Town Hall Square

To register, please visit: https://creativeprofessionalfinancial.eventbrite.co.uk
