14 January 2013
Hi I’m Rob Brown and I spend a lot of my time helping people like you more comfortable, confident, productive and effective with your business networking online and offline. Lets talk about 4 top tips for successful social media networking.
Its okay going to face to face events there is a place for them but the networking landscape has changed over recent years with twitter, facebook, linkedin and lots of other social networks. Lets explore how we can make the most from these.
Tip number one is to pick a lane or two – what that means is – choose which network you are going to make a focal part of your networking, where you are going to spend most time. If you do that you can be focussed on what you are doing. I am thinking – pick linkedin as your main one – make that your new inbox and then dabble a little bit in the others. Yes, you want to be in all of them but which is the one you are really going to work on the most, the one you are most comfortable with, the one you like the most, the one where your target market is sitting on the most.
Tip two is to get a schedule – work to some kind of plan – its easier to get sucked into social media – it will absorb every single minute you put to it. So just devote 30 mins to it a day or an hour a day or a certain time of the day or whatever. Get your schedule, map it out for the week and stick to it – you’ll be much more productive that way.
Tip number three – listen and contribute. Listen, listen, listen, watch what people are saying then contribute – that might mean sharing something, it might mean retweeting people and contributing with a blog or some insight or some comments. Then you can go to number four – sell .
You know you are in this business to make money not spend money and that means you’ve got to sell your wares, you’ve got to sell yourself, you’ve got to share with the world the great stuff you are doing, you’ve got to celebrate your wins with people, you’ve got to tell the world the fantastic products and services you do – its okay to sell online, its ok to big yourself up on social media so long as its not all the time.
A good ratio is 5 things that you share – one thing that you sell or 10 things to one – but get the rations right and its ok to sell occasionally. Social media networking has transformed the landscape but you’ve got to make it work for you so happy networking and Ill see you online.